Vibrant Valley Golden Sauerkraut

Vibrant Valley Golden Sauerkraut

  • 1 head cabbage, finely sliced
  • 1 golden beet, grated
  • 2 tablespoons fresh turmeric, grated
  • 2 tablespoons mustard seed
  • 1½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper

Special Tools: If you are like us and go through a lot of kraut it really pays to own a Fermentation Crock designed specifically to keep your creations submerged and in the dark. We like the crocks from Kitchen Kaboodle that come with weights and feature a lid designed to let gas out but not in. It also doesn't hurt to use a food processor to rip through cabbage quickly.

  1. Toss all ingredient in a large mixing bowl, making sure the kraut is well mixed.
  2. Pack the kraut a handful at a time into your fermentation crock. Press down with your fist to squeeze moisture from the cabbage as you go. The more you massage and press the kraut the better.
  3. Once all the kraut is loaded into the crock and firmly pressed gauge how much liquid is present. Is the kraut submerged in liquid? If not, add just enough water to cover. Place weights on top to keep the veg below the water level. Clean the rim and replace the lid according to your crock's instructions.
  4. Store the crock in a cool, dry place and check on it every day, skimming away any foam and adjust the weights to ensure it is pressing everything down.
  5. Let the crock ferment for 7-10 days.
  6. Once completed the kraut can be eaten outright or stored for later. Pack it into clean jars and store in the fridge, it should keep for several months.
  7. Enjoy!